Zia Memorial Museum
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History and culture of a nation are memorandum of citizen for progress and development. Museum plays important role to collect, preserve, display & research releted works of Bangladeshi society, culture, history, heritage, archiological antiquities. Collected antiquities of museum are displayed for education & researched work from generation to generation with maintain proper management. After the victory of independence some unexpected assassination made an obstacle of our development and prestigious matter. Ferocious killing of a democretic and popular president Zia was an unrecoverable loss of our country. He revolt against Pakistan Army and joined liberation struggle of our beloved country in chittagong. He read declaration of independence on behaft of Bangabandhu Sheik Mujibur Rahman, played a significant role as a sector commander and chief of “ Z ” force. We felt very impress for Zia who had a glorious contribution for liberation war and wonner a title of “Beer Uttam” from Bangladesh government. Chief of Army staff Zia proclaimed martial law in a unrest political situation of Bangladesh. Chief Martial Administrator Zia took over charge of President by the election of “Yes” or “No”. In 1978 Prisedent Zia established Bangladesh Nationalist party (BNP) and selected chairman of the party. Prisedent Zia joined United Nation general meeting and delivered speech there. He elected member of Al-Kuuds summit on 3rd Islamic conference, President Zia assassinated by a violent seizure of a small group army at Chittagong circuit house in 30 may, 1981.
3rd june, 1981 cabinet meeting deceided that the Chittagong circuit house where Zia was assassinated would be change into Zia Memorial Museum because of recognization Zia’s glorious countribution in liberation war and development of our country. Zia Memorial Museum project included annual develop program in 1992-1993 accroding to decision of “Nikar” meeting in 9th August, 1992. Chittagong circuit house was built in 1913. An architectural design & different historic causes the building is significant for many ways. To established the museum the historic building ensured for properly preserve the antiquities and we had offered honour to the freedom fighter and President Ziaur Rahman. Chittagong district administration hand over the old circuit house to the Bangladesh National Museum on 9 January 1993. Bangladesh National Museum hand over the building on same day to the Power and Works Department (PWD) for renovation and development work. Bangladesh National Museum authority had worked sincerely and collected a total number of 743 antiquities. The museum is run by Bangladesh National Museum, the Ministry of Cultural Affairs and Government of the People Republic of Bangladesh. Antiquities collection, display, develop and presentation is a continuous process. So continuing new collection and research work the total collection of antiquities in Zia Memorial Museum are 902. Collected antiquities convey to next generation to inform about liberation war, freedom fighters and President Zia’s contribution. Consequently, the dignity of liberation war inspires us to love Bangladesh.
Establishment of Zia Memorial Museum
Ziaur Rahman is one of the memorable person of Bangladesh history. President Zia was assassinated in Chittagong Circuit House on 30 May, 1981. On 30 June, 1981 cabinet of Bangladesh Government had decided that Chittagong Circuit House would be change into Zia Memorial Museum. This Charming and historic building was founded by British Government in 1913. At the period of British rules it was used as the name of “Lath Saheber Kuthi” and then used as a Governor house. In Pakistan period the building was used as a Chittagong Circuit House. In the period of liberation War it Was used as a Pakistani military camp.
Short Life History of Zia
Ziaur Rahman was a freedom fighter, organizer and The President of Bangladesh. He was a sector commander of sector no-1 in liberation of Bangladesh and read decleration of independence of Bangladesh on behalf of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on 27 March, 1971. He was a President of Bangladesh from 1978 to 30 May, 1981. Ziaur Rahman was born at Bagbari in Bogra on 19 Janurary, 1936. He was the 2nd son of 5th of his father & mother Monsur Rahman & Jahanara Begum. He began study of school life in the Hare School of Kolkata. He passed Matriculation from Korachi Academi School, Pakistan in 1952. He joined Pakistan Military Academi as a cadet. He revolt against Pakistan Army and joined Liberation war of Bangladesh on 25 March, 1971 in Chittagong. He read declaration of independence on behalf of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on 27 March, 1971 from Kalurghat Radio Centre. At the time of liberation war he was a sector commander of sector no-1 & chief of “ Z ” Force in battle field. He achieved a title of honour “Beer-Uttam” for glorious contribution in the liberation war of Bangladesh. President of Bangladesh Zia was assassinated in Chittagong Circuit House on 30 May, 1981. Zia was first burried in Rangunia, Chittagong and finaly buried in Dhaka.